Monday, October 3, 2011

The success of themed Pay-Per-Views

Last night's Hell In A Cell PPV was the third that WWE has done to what appears to be diminishing returns. The themed PPV experiment seems to be failing, with buyrates dropping and the meaning of specialty matches being lost. Hell In A Cell actually has a chance to be the lowest purchased WWE PPV of all time, which considering the hype and history of the events namesake, is proof that things need to change.

WWE Pay-Per-Views cost $55 each (HD) which in 2011 is entirely too much money for a "B" PPV. I and many other wrestling fans find it difficult to budget $700+ yearly just to watch WWE events, especially when I can get a month's subscription to Netflix and Hulu Plus for about 1/3 the price. The pay-per-view model for professional wrestling needs to change, either the amount of shows needs to come down or the price needs to come down for the long term growth and prosperity of the product.